Monday, March 2, 2009

How To Be A Graphic Designer

Over the last 4 or so years of my life, graphic design has absolutely consumed my life. It takes a special eye and a special passion to design well. You have to have a mindframe of a designer. In this blog I will give you 3 steps to becoming a graphic designer.

1. Look at type
One of the single-most important aspects to design is type. You can make a beautiful image, but if your message is unreadable, too big, too small, too strong, or to passive, you will not be able to convey your message. Your type has to be perfect to maximize your message. To learn how to use type, create a mental bank of different fonts or styles in which you have seen letters displayed. You must learn to relate size, spacing, and thickness to emotions, sounds, or flavors. Learn as many fonts as you can. You can start out by knowing Trajan, Helvetica, and Avante Guard. Ask yourself what emotions you feel when you look at these fonts. When in doubt, use Helvetica.

2. Follow Design Blogs

The second most helpful step in becoming a designer is to pick a designer or design blog and follow it. Check it almost daily to look at the new trends, styles, or color combinations. Also, you can gain inspiration from a designer. Some sites that are great to start out are,,, and Pick one and commit to following it.

3. Keep a logbook

My final suggestion to becoming a designer is to keep a logbook. It doesn't have to be a physical book. You can keep it digitally or mentally. I keep my logbook on my computer and in my head. I see a color and think about what that color smells like, what that color sounds like, and what that color would taste like. I keep that observation in my head so when I need something for a cherry soda ad, I know exactly what color tastes like cherry. I also keep notes on my computer. If I am working on a logo and I have an amazing idea that does not fit into the theme of the current logo, I will save it and maybe even use it later on.

In conclusion, there are no three steps I can tell you to make you instantly into a designer. It is a frame of mind. You must begin to eat, sleep, and breathe design. But following the steps I just listed wouldn't hurt either.